Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Research and Development

Today, science and technology play an increasingly significant role in the development of societies, and the world is moving towards a knowledge-based economy.

Today, science and technology play an increasingly significant role in the development of societies, and the world is moving towards a knowledge-based economy. Comprehensive and sustainable development is primarily based on technological advancements, and technological development, in turn, relies on creativity, innovation, and scientific progress. Achieving scientific development is facilitated through study, research, and inquiry.

For a significant company like Kimia Mes Taban Kavir, which aims for active and growing participation in domestic and international markets, the research and development (R&D) department is essential and vital. Given that new needs and the necessity of implementing changes in the global copper market always exist, the R&D department serves as a tool for collaboration with other units to open operational cycles in the areas of markets, processes, products, increasing production knowledge, and even organizing specialized skills of managers and staff.

Due to continuous changes in product standards based on copper and its alloys, ongoing research to meet customer needs based on current market conditions is a priority for Kimia . We consider ourselves committed to regular educational support and supervision of researchers. This unit encourages employees to think creatively, resulting in the promotion of efforts for technical innovations, sustainability, and growth. This process has expanded through extensive activities in the field of research and development.

The tasks and objectives of the research and development department include collaboration with other units to:

  • Increase the efficiency and productivity of products and production methods
  • Resolve production issues • Improve the quality of products
  • Reduce waste, reuse, and recycling through scientific methods
  • Establish information and research systems
  • Replace raw materials with better quality and more economical options
  • Facilitate the production process to reduce labor intensity and potential risks
  • Create and develop new products and production processes to meet market needs
  • Continuous examination and communication with other domestic and international producers
  • Implement and disseminate the results of activities and research in production units
  • Establish relationships with research and development units of other organizations.

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