Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company


The raw material control by matching their properties with client’s requirements, Production in process control by matching...

Control are categorized in 3 main sections:

The raw material control by matching their properties with client’s requirements, Production in process control by matching with standards and Final product control with issuing test reports.

1- The raw material control:

All incoming materials that affect the quality of the product are inspected upon entering the factory, and approved by the quality control unit, they are allowed to enter the production line if they comply with the predefined acceptance criteria.

2- Production in process control:

All intermediate products are inspected in each level of production line and if they meet the technical specifications, they are used in the next level. The non conformant intermediate products cannot be used in processes unless they are corrected and verified. Generally in all production phases, the dimensional examination and mechanical ,and electrical properties of the products are in control.

3- Final product control:

The final products are inspected as well. This control consists of dimensions, contact surface, electrical resistance, wrapping, and Obviously, none of the above are attainable unless having suitable equipment .

– Kimia Mes Taban Kavir Co. quality control lab employs precise lab equipment to serve the customers as best:

  • Dimensional measurement tests
  • Micro ohm meter devices for measuring electric resistancy
  • Sigma test devices for measuring electric conductivity
  • Oxygen test devices for measuring oxygen level
  • Weigher devices
  • Hardness measuring devices
  • Twist measuring devices per rotation
  • Tensile strength device
  • Elongation test device
  • Punch and bend test device
  • Quantometer instrument for analysing material
  • Refractometer instrument

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