Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Industrial Health

Preserving the health of human resources is of paramount importance in the face of various pollutants present in the work environment, particularly in industries such as the Kimia Mes Company, due to the specific nature of the processes.

Preserving the health of human resources is of paramount importance in the face of various pollutants present in the work environment, particularly in industries such as the Kimia Mes Company, due to the specific nature of the processes. Achieving the ideal of “Healthy human in the workplace” and “Healthy human as the axis of sustainable development” is highly significant. In this regard, the Industrial Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) management, after formulating and communicating a set of occupational health requirements tailored to the functional and process conditions of the factory, taking into account national and international standards, and recruiting the necessary human resources, has concentrated its major activities on the implementation of these requirements in all units.

Objectives and Programs:

  • Protection and enhancement of physical and mental health in various occupations.
  • Prevention of accidents and work-related illnesses.
  • Preservation of workers’ health against all harmful factors.
  • Selection of the right person for the right job and early detection of diseases.
  • Monitoring the quality of drinking water according to legal requirements on a monthly, six-month, and annual basis.
  • Continuous monitoring of the health status of workers through occupational health examinations. • Formation of health committees.
  • Establishment of an internal health commission (determining the percentage of workers’ absenteeism, approval of long-term medical treatments, etc.).
  • Conducting training courses in health and medical care for personnel.

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