Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Environmental Department

The Environmental Department of the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Unit of Kimia Mes Taban Kavir Copmany,...

The Environmental Department of the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Unit of Kimia Mes Taban Kavir Copmany, employing specialized and experienced personnel in the areas of expertise, conducts measurements and monitoring of pollutants in water, wastewater, and air. Through statistical analyses and the formation of energy management, waste management, water and wastewater management, as well as green space management task forces, it takes necessary actions in the field of environmental protection and conservation.

Objectives and Programs:

  • Preparation and evaluation of periodic performance reports annually.
  • Review of results, identification, and evaluation of all environmental risks of the
  • Monitoring environmental programs and projects.
  • Conducting specific visits and audits to assess the environmental status of the complex.
  • Prioritizing issues and planning necessary activities.
  • Supervision and control of environmental assessments of projects until completion.
  • Planning for the provision of environmental control and monitoring systems.
  • Planning for needs assessment, feasibility, and definition of practical environmental projects on a macro scale.
  • Planning to minimize industrial wastes resulting from production processes.
  • Participation in organizing specialized environmental seminars.
  • Participation in the preparation and formulation of environmental implementation methods and guidelines based on laws and standards.
  • Inspection and oversight of compliance with environmental considerations in the complex.
  • Planning and oversight of environmental monitoring.
  • Declaration of national and international policies and standards related to the company.
  • Support and participation in relevant conferences and exhibitions.
  • Collection and maintenance of documents and reports of implemented environmental projects in the company.
  • Collection and processing of information related to achievements, programs, and actions.
  • Exchange of information, experiences, solutions, and achievements with companies active in the optimal use of resources and energy.
  • Training and development of a culture of energy and resource conservation.
  • Goal-setting for energy reduction based on available potentials.
  • Macro environmental policy-making based on existing and future standards, goals, and conditions.
  • Identification of capable internal and external companies and individuals for the use of their services in environmental matters.
  • Planning for the improvement and development of the complex’s green spaces.

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