Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir

Copper Manufacturing Company


Kimia Mes Taban Kavir Company is proud to be the largest economic enterprise for supplying semi-finished copper products needed by industries,...

The Commercial unit in Kimia Mes Taban Kavir company plays a fundamental role in managing and facilitating marketing, sales, and customer service processes. This unit is extensively involved in commercial responsibilities and customer relations. Here is a more detailed explanation of the Commercial unit:

  1. Marketing and Advertising:
    • Conducting market analysis and providing marketing solutions to increase market presence.
    • Designing and executing advertising strategies to enhance awareness of copper products in the industry.
  2. Sales and Commercial Transactions:
    • Establishing relationships with customers and providing consulting services regarding copper products.
    • Negotiating and conducting commercial transactions with customers and business partners.
  3. Customer Support:
    • Providing after-sales services, technical support, and addressing customer issues.
    • Collecting customer feedback and implementing necessary improvements in the service system.
  4. E-commerce:
    • Developing and managing e-commerce platforms for online sales of copper products.
    • Advancing digital and online strategies to attract new customers.
  5. Market Performance Analysis:
    • Monitoring market performance and observing changes in customer behavior.
    • Analyzing marketing data to improve marketing strategies.
  6. Contract Management:
    • Creating and managing commercial contracts with customers, suppliers, and business partners.
    • Tracking and timely execution of contractual commitments with precision.

The Commercial unit has direct communication with the market and endeavors to deliver products to customers in the best possible manner while maintaining positive relationships with them.

Sales & Marketing

Kimia Mes Taban Kavir Company is proud to be the largest economic enterprise for supplying semi-finished copper products needed by industries, including the country’s electricity industry. Our goal is to achieve complete customer satisfaction by producing and delivering on time products of the highest quality, in accordance with international standards, and at a reasonable price.

phone: +98-21-88066084

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